
第20课 Part1:生活关系类5个搭配


a soft spot for someone = to be very fond of someone喜欢某人

第20课 Part1:生活关系类5个搭配
例句:She has a soft spot for her youngest child.
例句:I have a soft spot for foster kids.

back a long way = to know someone well for a long time认识很久
例句:Those two go back a long way. They were at primary school together.
例句:Peter and I go back a long way. I was a rookie teacher in NOS and we were best friends.

in with = to have favored status with someone和谁一伙
例句:She's in with the management.
例句:I’m 100 percent with your brother. You should listen to him.

n enemies = to hate someone死敌
例句:Those two are sworn enemies.

're like cat and dog = to often argue with someone 经常吵架
例句:Those two are like cat and dog.